
A select number of internship opportunities are available in my California and Washington, D.C. Offices for qualified students. Internships are available during the summer, fall and spring semesters. This program is designed to enhance your participation in public service for the people of California.

 Washington, D.C. interns will have the chance to observe the day-to-day operations of the United States Senate. Interns will be exposed to a fast paced and ever-changing environment. Duties include, but are not limited to, answering constituent phone calls, processing constituent correspondence, welcoming guests to the office, assisting with tours, attending hearings, conducting research and drafting memorandums. 

California interns will gain first-hand familiarity with how elected officials help constituents navigate issues with federal agencies. Interns will experience how legislative activities impact the lives of constituents in their communities. Duties in state offices include, but are not limited to, fielding calls from constituents, researching and responding to constituent correspondence, attending briefings, drafting letters and working on other staff projects. 

If you have any questions, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply if I am a high school student?

Interns must be at least 18 years old by their anticipated internship start date. Individuals younger than 18 who are interested in public service should consider applying for the U.S. Senate Page Program.

While most interns are college students or recent graduates, anyone who is over 18 is eligible to apply.

Applicants from anywhere can apply; however, preference is given to candidates with California ties.

Session dates are flexible within the range of dates listed. Interns cannot start before the first date of a session. The option to extend an internship beyond the end date of a session may be available to select interns.

Part-time and full-time internships are available. Part-time interns must be available to work a minimum of 16 hours per week. All work is conducted between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. local time Monday through Friday. To be considered full -time, interns must work between 32 and 40 hours per week. Interns will establish specific schedules with their intern coordinators.

Remote and hybrid internships are not available. All interns are required to work in the office except under special circumstances.

Interns must work with their academic institutions to determine if they are eligible to receive academic credit for their internship.

Applicants can expect responses within four to five weeks of application deadlines.

International students can apply. However, to receive a stipend, applicants must be eligible to receive pay from the federal government.

Spring Intern Applications are now open.